What to do when your brain is hijacked by fear

The amygdala is an almond-shape set of neurons located deep in your brain’s medial temporal lobe. It’s part of your limbic system.

Medical research has shown it plays a key role in the processing of emotions, and is linked to both fear and pleasure responses.

This area is often referred to as the “Lizard Brain” as it is an ancient part of the brain that still seems to believe that we live in the caveman days and reacts accordingly. I call this wee part of my brain “Amy” – personification makes it easier for me to recognise and externalise her hit the fire alarm it’s an emergency or be afraid, be very afraid type of responses to the world.

So how does your Amy cause sabotage to your entrepreneurial goals and plans?

Under normal circumstances it’s your prefrontal cortex running the show. When things are going well, you’re having a normal day you can think logically, clearly and calmly. You’re in the zone, taking things in your stride.

But then something happens.

You get hijacked by your amygdala!

You feel a perceived threat.

Unlikely to be the sabre tooth tiger of old, but a threat instead perhaps to your confidence, your status, your sense of self and what you are capable of.

The source can be an offhand remark from someone. A critical comment. A status update not getting the traction you thought it would. Your video being ignored. Someone else in your field releasing a program that is so much like yours (but soooo much better of course). Just before you are to step on stage and give a presentation. Right at the beginning of a networking event where you have to meet and chat with STRANGERS! So many things can trigger your Lizard Brain.

And when Amy takes over a flood of stress hormones are released, your pre-frontal cortex shuts down, you become narrow-minded and myopic in your thoughts, reacting more primitively and instinctively and dare I say, somewhat irrationally.

I believe that if Amy is your bodily response to stress or threats, then your Inner Critic is her voice. Before you know it you have been hijacked by the pack – The Over-Achiever, Impostor, Perfectionist, People Pleaser and Comparison Queen come out to join the chorus of negativity and scarcity thinking. (If you have yet to find out which Inner Critic is harassing you, you can take the short quiz here)

And that’s certainly not the birthplace of abundance and wholehearted success!

So, is there a cure? Can you vaccinate yourself against this malady?

Unfortunately, there is no cure, we’re only human and are all wired this way, but there is a dose of medicine that you can give yourself.

The steps to take to quiet your fear

Step One

Be aware and take note of your classic reactions when you’re in these situations and Amy is trying to take over. Does your stomach drop? Does your breathing become rapid? Does your chest tighten up? Do you move into absolute or very black and white thinking? However it manifests for you, be very aware of your personal symptoms.

Step Two

Tell yourself “Amy’s in the house!” and realise that this is not the time to make sudden decisions, act compulsively or talk to yourself harshly. Invoking The Power of the Pause is vital.

Step Three

Ground yourself in the present moment. Take a long, deep breath.. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose and completely fill your lungs. Then breathe slowly and completely out. Rinse and repeat. 3 or 4 times. Plant your feet very firmly on the ground. Wriggle your toes. Get really present. Reconnect with what is real as opposed to the illusion.

Step Four

Repeat an affirmation to yourself that provides good old-fashioned love and reassurance. “All is well”. “I am a strong and talented woman with much value to share”. “The work I do changes lives”. Whatever works for you that reminds you of your mission, your talent, your vision. The whole of you.

And now you’re calm again. Give Amy a little stroke. Thank her for being on guard but let her know you’ve got this.

And then just get back on your path because you have so much to contribute to the world.

Angela Raspass Business Coach & Self Worth Educator


Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.