The shift by Wayne Dyer – helping us find our next chapter purpose

I took some time out last Friday to watch a movie featuring the personal development leader, Wayne Dyer, called The Shift – from ambition to purpose.

It made quite an impression, resonating with me right down to my core and I’d like to share the thoughts, observations and connections that I took from it with you.

The Shift refers to a moment in time when a quantum change takes place that moves you from a place of pushing and striving and ego to a new place where you begin to embrace your dharma, your true purpose in life.  It’s not necessarily an age related thing, it’s simply a time when you begin to move into the meaning stage of your life.

Wayne refers to the shift often happening as the result of a “quantum event” – something personally significant that catapults you into a new way of thinking and life. In his case, it was recognising the imposition of his drinking on his family. I believe that you may have several of these shifts in your life – some large and some small, but each of them edging you further down your personal path of purpose – that has certainly been my experience.

There are many different things that can cause these shifts, but the result is always the same. You begin to realise that we are not here to push and to struggle, we here to serve and to enjoy….

Each shift sees you begin to listen more keenly to that calling inside, that small insistent pull (what Wayne calls your “future pull”) that only you can hear and feel and choose to respond to. You begin to release yourself from concerns about shoulds and musts and others opinions and the competition – these take a backseat to the compelling need to be and feel fulfilled and living your life’s purpose.

These shifts are characterised by a deep, deep knowing and sense that “I can no longer just go through the motions doing what I know how to do”.

There needs to be more.

And a shift does not bring fear, rather it’s a tremendous feeling of freedom! You’re moving into a stage where external things and measures are no longer your primary motivators (money, prestige, regard, respect, recognition – the more traditional measures of success etc).

You get to a place where you begin to be guided by something greater than yourself. You stop fighting and striving (indeed the need to expend this type of energy is often a strong indicator that you are not in flow and where you are meant to be) and instead, surrender to your higher purpose and be guided from there, allowing things to happen, trusting in source, focusing on your why and letting go of the how….. accepting that you cannot see the entire future, the big picture, and that all you need to do is move into alignment is to take the first step, even when you cannot see the whole staircase.

So, it’s a lot to do with faith and trust. Recognising that perhaps there is a better way to work and live and do business if you allow yourself to follow your heart. Less push, more grace. Less stress more ease. But it’s not about sitting back and waiting for things to happen – I prefer declarations to affirmations myself, but it is about change, tuning into your inner guidance and trying a new approach.

It doesn’t matter what you do, what your calling is. What matters is turning your attention to “how can I serve?”. Then you are living in meaning, in purpose.

How does that sound?

I’m a bit of a late starter to the world of personal development (my own coach has described me as being “on a soul MBA” at the moment!) but when I discover a strong message that literally sends waves of energetic goosebumps right through me, has me pulsating with AHA moments that I just have to write about and that reinforces my own feeling of moving into alignment, I have to share!

You can buy your own copy via Amazon here (this includes the film and the book)

Or you can simply watch it on You Tube here.

Now I’d love to know:

  • Have you experienced shifts in your life where your thinking and values have undergone a significant change?
  • Do you feel that you are moving closer to alignment in your business and life?
  • Is your self-belief and intuition strong? Can they help you step up and into your true purpose?

Moving from ambition to meaning…. What a journey we are on in our next chapters!

Angela Raspass Business Coach & Self Worth Educator

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Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.


  1. Carolyn on July 23, 2013 at 3:58 pm

    Wonderful article! Shift happens 🙂 Can’t wait to watch the movie. Thanks Ang…always inspired by you lovely lady!

    • Angela Raspass on August 7, 2013 at 1:16 pm

      Hey Carolyn, shift happens indeed! Seems to really hit the fan when we are moving gracefully into our 40’s…. I have described it as a “mid life breakthrough”. It’s a great movie – definitely worth a watch.

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