If you often talk to yourself, you are in very good company.
Your inner dialogue hosts some of the most important conversations you can have in your business and life. Your vision, your goals and dreams and plans are born there. They’re expanded and renovated, built and rebuilt. You create your own reality – everything around you today first existed as a thought, a desire and you’ve brought it into being with your actions. You are oh so powerful. Own that fact.
But as you know, with great power comes great responsibility. So, if you use your creative power positively when you turn your attention to building Your Next Chapter business, confidence, clarity, certainty, fulfilment and abundance will be the result, without fail. The problem though is that this ongoing discussion within is not always a supportive one. Too often within it can be found the seeds of self-sabotage, ready to flourish in a garden of self-doubt.
So, allow me to take a moment to answer some of the questions that you probably often feel but possibly don’t often acknowledge or say out loud when you’re thinking about Your Next Chapter business.
Answers to build your certainty and worth
Yes, people will and do want what you have to offer.
No, not everyone will want what you have to offer.
Yes, you do know enough.
No, you don’t need to have all the answers.
Yes, there is real value in what you do.
No, not everyone will recognise there is value in what you do (and that often includes those closest to you)
Yes, there are others who have services and offers that are similar to your own.
No, you don’t need to be worried about that
Yes, your experiences are unique and thus, what you have to share is unique.
No, you don’t need another qualification before you begin to share it.
Yes, you can start now.
No, you don’t need it to be perfect before you do.
Yes, people will judge you and what you have to offer.
No, it does not matter, honestly, it’s a good thing.
Yes, it is completely normal to oscillate between bubbling excitement and lurching fear.
And no, you are definitely certainly, absolutely not alone!
Self-doubt comes in many flavours, but one of the strongest is “who will find value in what I have to share”?
There is a very simple answer to that – your people will.
Did you not know you had people?
You do!
If you hold back because you doubt yourself, because you are afraid that what you have to offer will be evaluated and judged not up to scratch, if you stay hidden or safe and vanilla, if you keep your story to yourself… you will fade into the crowd.
And then, no matter how talented, gifted, experienced, compassionate, authentic or passionate you are and no matter how committed and enthused you are about making a difference, you won’t be able to.
The clients you are seeking are also seeking you, and they need you to stand up and stand out so they can find you and feel you. They need to be able to lean into your empathy and recognise that they will be in very good hands when they step forward are take yours.
Don’t complicate this concept.
Keep it pure and simple.
Start with asking yourself these new questions.
- Have I learned lessons in my journey?
- Do I know more now than I knew then?
- Would this knowledge and insight have helped me in the past?
- How can I use this knowledge to shorten the journey for another?
- Do I feel in my heart that I need to share this, that it’s connected to who I am and the difference I want to make?
- Does it feel joyful?
- Does it feel expansive?
- Does the thought of not sharing this make me feel slightly empty or sad…
You can awaken others when you are on fire and wide awake yourself. The greatest gift you can give to yourself and the world is to be enthusiastic and full of certainty, loving your work and honouring the value of what you can share. That creative energy is magnetic. It will open doors, create connection and hope and inspire action.
When you are fully aligned with your worth and the value you have for others, you will radiate these qualities and draw others to you.
When you are fully aligned with your vision and your value, you build trust in yourself and you will make the choices that take you closer to achieving that vision. You’ll find yourself pausing, listening and trusting your intuition, acting with intention.
And that’s the way forward whether it be something as simple as choosing the colours and fonts for your website, writing a blog post that comes from your core, mask off, ready to be shared openly with your community or in a session with a client, fully present and open to their needs.
Momentum builds quickly when you allow yourself to shine.
And that shine comes from a quiet core of certainty in your self-worth.
That part of you who is always there.
That part of you who knows what you’re here to do.
What you ache to do.
What you are actually doing right now if you allow yourself the grace to see it.
You’re already aligned with your purpose. Aligned with your power, Aligned with your vision.
I can’t wait to see how brightly you shine when you’ve given yourself permission to step fully into your self-worth.