The secret: Stress + Rest = Growth

There’s been a lot going on in my world at the moment. I’ve been juggling roles – Carer, as my husband was back in the hospital for 2 weeks for more surgery and is now in slow recovery mode, Marketing Manager for our two Yacht businesses, getting organised for the Sydney Boat Show at the end of the month (I was even on the Sydney Weekender TV show, talking about SailTime) alongside my Business Mentoring work and being a Mum and all the other things we do…

A couple of times in the past fortnight it’s all become a bit much and, despite my beautifully organised Weekly Planner, I’ve opted for lengthy “Nanna Naps” in the afternoon.

I rather sheepishly admitted this to my Mindset Coach in our session last week and she shared some very good advice, as always.

I’ve paraphrased it here, as I think you’ll find it helpful too.

“When you work out at the gym, lifting weights, you create tiny wee tears in your muscles. These microtears are like a signal to your body – it needs to strengthen, to grow a little stronger, to deal with the demands on it. And when you take a day or two off training that area of your body, it allows the space to repair in that rest time and to grow, becoming stronger, ready for the next exertion.

But if you don’t allow the muscles the rest they need to strengthen and instead push on and work those areas again, the tears increase and weaken the muscle.

Stress + Rest = Growth

It’s the same with you when there are extra demands on your time and energy. Listen to your body. It needed rest. You gave it rest, and that’s why you’re able to continue to cope with all that’s thrown at you”.

That felt wise and true and reassuring. I guess I did know that it is totally fine to take time out, after all, we are our own bosses, but I loved this context and felt very settled after our call. It’s great to have a Mentor who knows me well…

And so, heeding her advice, I promptly went shopping with my daughter for her Year 10 formal dress and that was a delight! I’m feeling rather reinvigorated for the week ahead.

How about you?

Are you pushing yourself too hard?

Has life delivered you more than the usual amount of curveballs lately?

Do you need to take some time out?

Stress + Rest = Growth

A weekly planning process allows you to actually save time, as you become clear on what’s most important and only implement the actions that support your goals, rather than getting immersed in busywork.

So, perhaps book some REST time each week into your weekly plan too!

Oh and by the way, if you’d like a copy of the planner that I use, click on the image below.







Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.

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