Sarah Mane – the wisdom of Sanskrit for true confidence and success

Meet Sarah Mane

Sarah is the Founder of Conscious Confidence, using ancient Sanskrit wisdom to show people how to link to their inner Self and to find true confidence and success.

Tell me a little about yourself – where are you from and who and what is important in your life?

I was born and raised in Sydney. The most important people in my life are my family, my husband Gilbert of course, and my wide circle of friends.

The most important thing in my life is to have a purpose, to be creative, and to be learning and growing every day.

We all have previous chapters in our stories – Tell me about your working life/business experiences before now?

I left Uni with little direction so I started working in retail just to get my bearings. I worked for several years in the Waterford Shop in Sydney as an assistant manager. I was fortunate to pick up quite a lot about the practicalities of running a business, leadership, high-end retail, branding and customer service.

Then in the early 80s I started teaching singing and music at John Colet School, initially as a volunteer. That grew into a full-time Primary teaching career which lasted for 30 years! I ended as Deputy Head and Administrative Co-ordinator.

Towards the end of my teaching career, I trained as an Executive coach and started my own coaching practice – Sarah Mane Coaching. I have been coaching executives and professionals for eleven years and this has lead me more recently to investigate in-depth the area of performance anxiety, confidence and self-assurance.

Through this research, I created Conscious Confidence – A Timeless Wisdom.

Please provide a snapshot of your business

Conscious Confidence, is the title of both my radio/podcast show and my book which has just been published (Jan 2020) by Inner Traditions Publishing. I provide individual and group coaching in the Conscious Confidence F.U.S.E. program. I use ancient Sanskrit wisdom to show people how to link to their inner Self and to find true confidence and success. I also have products related to this quest – Sanskrit wristbands – to aid people in remembering.

Two years ago my husband and I decided to embark on an Amazon US importing business. We source products from China, have them shipped or flown to US where they are listed on Amazon. There were a few months of learning and set up, and we have had products ‘live’ and selling for about 7 months, with more products in the pipeline. The Conscious Confidence wristbands and bangles are part of this importing business.

Assuming you are now in “Your Next Chapter”, what led you here? Tell me about your purpose, your why, the difference you want to make, who you are called to serve?

The journey has been life-long. I joined, through my parents, a self-awareness school where I learned meditation, mindfulness, focused attention, and service to others. This is my why – to be awake and aware, and to respond fully to the ‘need’ in any situation, whether it is the person I’m talking to, or my own needs. As part of learning self-awareness and studying the ancient wisdom traditions, I studied Sanskrit.

I found myself drawn to Sanskrit for its beauty, its wisdom, its power, and I have now connected my own love for Sanskrit with the creation of a practical program of transformation – the F.U.S.E. program, which I want to share with others so they can go free of that which holds them back from reaching their potential and fulfilment.

What did you find most challenging about getting started/moving in a new direction?

One of the side effects of decades of meditation, mindfulness and service to others is the clearing of mental clutter. When the monkey mind is put in its place, reason, love and connection can take its place. ‘Hearing’ the inner voice of reason and love, the voice of the inner Self, is then possible. The great challenge is to keep this pathway clear and to respond and follow the promptings of that voice.

A small example: I was interested in getting some coaching materials together to help musicians and performers overcome stage fright. I had seen a need there. Out of the blue, I received an unsolicited email from Seattle offering a slot on a US radio network.

Exactly the kind of email one ignores! But something stayed my finger as it hovered over the delete button. Long story short, I now have a radio show, a book, a range of related products, and the prospect of an online course in Conscious Confidence.

What have you found most fulfilling?

Experiencing the freedom and expansion for myself and for others that comes with following events, being creative, working hard, and seeing my plans and projects come to fruition.

Seeing how a child grows when properly taught, how a business flourishes under careful guidance, and how a client goes free of past burdens by applying simple practices and exercises in Conscious Confidence.

Have you experienced self-doubt? What causes it to flare and how do you work through it when it hits?

Yes sure! Self-doubt can be nature’s way of telling you to take stock. It is also a symptom of moving out of your ‘comfort zone’. This comfort zone and the barriers of fear, doubt and lethargy which keep you in your familiar narrow world, is the antithesis of expansion, freedom, and the joy that comes with them.

The things that get me through the doubts are: meditation, self-awareness, good work habits, reason – which shows the fundamental baselessness of the doubt, the ability to talk things through, mainly with my husband, but others as well.

How do you feel you have grown since you started?

Growth has taken place on every level, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I believe, in fact, that one should never stop growing or expanding. As living breathing creatures we either expand, or we contract, our world grows, or it shrinks – stasis is not an option.

I feel my circles have all expanded – circles of friendship, of skills, knowledge and wisdom, of love and connection, of depth of stillness and peace. Being a member of a Next Chapter Mastermind group certainly assisted in this process of growth through sharing different perspectives and knowledge.

What has been most effective for you when it comes to sharing your message and attracting clients?

The main practical means is my radio show and now my book, with the attendant interviews, reviews and social media campaign.

The Amazon sales of related products will expand this and, other avenues such as my online course and public appearances.

Have you developed any particular habits/strategies that facilitate getting things done in your business?

The key is to move the needle every day. Whether it was writing my book, preparing for a radio show, contacting a supplier, or a packaging designer, the most effective method is to do something every day. After a week, a month, a year it is amazing how much you can get done. Also they say you should fail quickly.

That’s true, but only if you learn from those mistakes and don’t repeat them. Giving single-pointed attention to a task is crucial to being productive, and this is the main way I’ve made sure that I’ve moved the needle everyday. Also not being bogged down by having everything perfect – ‘Perfect is the enemy of the good’ (Voltaire).

Why do you feel women in the 40’s and beyond make fabulous entrepreneurs?

These women have a wealth of life experience, the ability to attend to detail while keeping an eye on the bigger picture. Often they have a sense of the trends, something as simple as an eye for colour or fashion. They can be very hard-headed about finances, but also have the insight and warmth that create a great team.

If they have raised a family then they have probably become experts in attention to detail, flexibility, a sense of humour, and dealing with awkward people and situations!

What would you say to other women who are standing on the edge of their own Next Chapter, not sure if they can take the leap?

I would say do it. If the universe is saying jump, then jump. There will never be enough preparation, research, second-guessing that will solve every doubt or fear.

Only by stepping into the dark do you bring your light with you. Trust your own intelligence, skills and abilities. Also, not to move, not to choose, is a choice.

What’s next for you? Share your vision!

My next phase involves expanding Conscious Confidence to a world market, standing on the world stage opening the doorway to freedom and confidence and showing everyone who wants to, how to step through.

Supporting this is the growth of our Amazon business to an 8 figure turnover.


When I’m facing a something new and challenging I…
…fall still and be present, let all prevailing thoughts and feelings go and be open to what the next best step is.

I know my greatest strengths are…

Clarity, insight, organisation

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

As a matter of discipline, every day see every person as the Supreme Self.

Some of my favourite books are…

The Untethered Soul

My favourite Podcasts are…

Neville Goddard

My favourite business tool or resource is…


My favourite quote is…

“Fall still, remember who you are and let everything go.’

Not many people know that I…

Love Ballroom Dancing!


You can connect with Sarah here.

Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.

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