Samantha Sutherland | Building a future I care about

Meet Samantha Sutherland

I’m from Sydney, and live in Waverley, near Bronte beach. I’m a single mum to my 7 year old son, Charlie. I swam in the ocean every day for a year in 2018 to try and change my life following a devastating, heartbreaking divorce, and still go to the ocean every time I need to pass it my energy – it’s the greatest cathedral in the world. I horse ride, exercise a lot, love my friends, and this new year (because one starts every day) I’m actually wanting to focus on fun and hobbies and doing things that light me up.

What business are you currently running?

I run a consulting business focusing on diversity and inclusion, as well as team-building and strategic planning. Mostly, I run workshops!

I have a podcast called Women at Work that’s in the process of being relaunched.

Assuming you are now in “Your Next Chapter”, what led you here? Was there an internal discontent or an external issue you felt strongly about that prompted a change in direction?

God. So many.

In 2012 I was working in a job I hated, trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I got a new job (though that also turned out to be rubbish), got pregnant, had a terrible pregnancy with a lot of pain in my body and insomnia for 7 months.

Immediately after the birth, I was hit with postnatal depression, then when my baby was 3 months old my best friend (we were bridesmaids for each other, she was there when my dad died and so many other milestones) told me she didn’t want to be friends anymore. I went on meds and started on the spiritual path for the first time. And then when my son was not-quite-3, my husband left. I was absolutely devastated. He also took my scavenger hunt business on his way out the door, and to this day cannot fathom that he did anything wrong at all by doing that.

I have spent the past 5 years healing, growing, changing as a human, starting up my new business (and working in some shitty jobs along the way).

Now I’m here, focusing on building a future I care about, determined to make my business successful and meaningful.

What did you find most challenging about getting started/moving in a new direction?

PND was awful, but then my divorce was so heartbreaking that it was the kind of thing that changes you, because of the things you have to do to survive it.

I walked into the fire and kept walking, even when it felt like a wall, and eventually, eventually, passed through the ring.

What have you found most fulfilling?

My relationship with my son.

The energy of the ocean.

Building my new business.

My friendships.

Have you experienced self-doubt? What causes it to flare and how do you work through it when it hits?

All the time!!! I think we all do though.

I think my biggest one right now is trust in the future, trust that my new relationship can last when the last one didn’t.

Also around my business and the idea that I can fully support myself in my own business, as a single mum with no one to rely on.

How do you feel you have grown since you started?

In every way. I’m a different person from who I was 5 years ago.

Have you developed any particular habits/strategies that facilitate getting things done in your business?

I have an accountability coach who is hugely helpful.

I take time off and time to rest

I constantly look for ways to be more efficient.

Why do you feel women in the 40’s and beyond make fabulous entrepreneurs?

We have seen the world, we understand life and have the experience to bring to it that my younger self certainly didn’t.

What would you say to other women who are standing on the edge of their own Next Chapter, not sure if they can take the leap?

The next chapter is coming whether you leap into it or not!

Be intentional about what you want to create and jump in, both feet – the day isn’t over yet.

What’s next for you? Share your vision with us!

I’m working on building my business, whilst looking for adventures to go on (like micro-adventures, and camping and hiking, and travel when it’s allowed). I love spending time with my son and will continue to focus on him, and want to pick up more hobbies to bring more fun, play and joy into my life.


When I’m facing something new and challenging I…
leap to it. I like change and challenge
I know my greatest strengths are…
my energy, including people in conversation, getting people to tell me their secrets, being nonjudgemental
The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…
The day isn’t over yet
Some of my favourite books are…
the book thief, god of small thing
My favourite podcasts are…
mine! Women at work. Reply All, the guilty feminist
My favourite business tool or resource is…
My favourite quote is…
what is it you plan to do with this one wild and precious life?
Not many people know that I…
swam in the ocean every day for a year to change my life

You can connect with Samantha here.

Therese Bince

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