Meet Nikki Lane
Outside of work I am a mum and wife. My boys and my husband are the most important things in my world (along with Charlie, our Spoodle). Both Scott and I have the same “love language” of Quality Time. So we just love being together regardless of whether that is sitting in front of the TV doing nothing, having weekends always camping, or long lunches in a pub somewhere. I love playing with flowers; creating arrangements and designs for both my own enjoyment and to gift to my friends and family. I’m really enjoying my newfound delight in exercise; walking and short workouts that keep my body moving and me feeling good throughout the day. My outside-of-work life is quiet and unassuming but I love that.
What business are you currently running? |
The Change Journey… sharing my own experiences and teaching The Change Journey principles to women from all around the world so that they too can gain self-awareness and choose to live a life they love. These teachings are available via The Change journey book, a set of oracle cards, and personalised coaching programs. | |
Assuming you are now in “Your Next Chapter”, what led you here? Was there an internal discontent or an external issue you felt strongly about that prompted a change in direction? |
I’ve always wanted to “help” people and spread the messages that I am passionate about. Which at first I thought was positivity, happiness, and the law of attraction. But since writing my book, I realise it’s more about learning the power of self-awareness and being open to change and then the rest of those things come after that.
I never really had the clarity around how I could do this and it has been a slow-burning desire inside me, whilst attempting to do other things that I thought were the right thing to do. Turns out they weren’t. In 2019, with the comfort of having an income via a part-time role, I was able to take the time to create something that I was passionate about without the stress of it having to make money straight away. I started with creating a workshop and ran that for 9 of my friends. It was terrible. Then I turned the content into an online program and ran that for 20 people on Facebook for free. Not as bad as the workshop but still not great. I had too much content and wasn’t sure how to deliver it. A friend of mine suggested I write a book. I had no desire to write a book yet it seemed a great way for the content to be delivered in a way that people could work through at their own pace. In March 2020 I started writing and by October 2020 it was finished. By December 2020 it was published and being sent out to my first book purchases, which was very exciting. |
What did you find most challenging about getting started/moving in a new direction? |
Believing that I could write a book. Believing that I had something of worth to say to people. But to be honest, once I started and it flowed I just kept going without giving much thought to it. I wrote from intuition and guidance and only wrote when it felt right too.
I also decided to self-publish so went on a big learning curve of how to do that: sourcing my own editor, proofreader, and printer, etc. was a great experience and I learned a LOT!!! |
What have you found most fulfilling? |
Being in alignment with my message. Trusting the process and moving with the flow. I said to the universe at the beginning of the journey, “if at any point this feels hard or like pushing shit up a hill, I’m going to stop” and at no point did it feel hard. That’s not to say it wasn’t hard work or that I didn’t spend long hours working on the book, it just didn’t feel hard.
I’m also loving how people are loving the book. That my message and learnings that I now live by are helping to empower other women to do the same. That it gives them clarity on what they want to do and a direction to head in. |
Have you experienced self-doubt? What causes it to flare and how do you work through it when it hits? |
My self-doubt comes now more as I am marketing the book. I focus on all the people who have bought a copy and have never contacted me again about it. Did they hate it so much? Did they think it was poorly written? Are they secretly scoffing me behind my back and wondering on how an earth I can be promoting this book so openly?
When this happens I just try and pull myself up and remind myself that my book is not for everyone and whilst there are those who haven’t responded about it, they have all been people who have purchased the book because they know me and would have been interested to see what I created, not because they wanted the message. I also remind myself that there have been many people who love the book and have bought extra copies etc to pass onto their friends. I also get stuck in what to do to market the book. How to reach a wider audience and find the women who will really benefit from the message in the book. My self-doubt cripples me here and to be honest this is where I struggle the most to get out of it and move forward with marketing. This is a pattern that repeats in all my ventures. I’m great at building it, not great at getting the people to come. |
How do you feel you have grown since you started? |
I did a course earlier this year and two messages resonated with me so much. The first one was “be your own rescue” a statement that means in essence that no one is coming to save me, there is no magic pill that’s going to make my book successful, Hay House isn’t going to knock on my door one day out of the blue and want to publish my book. If I want to be successful, I have to be my own rescue and do whatever it takes to get there.
The second one is in alignment with the first and it’s that we all want to take the lift to the penthouse and be earning millions overnight. When in actual fact we aren’t energetically ready for that so it never comes. Instead what we need to do is take the staircase one step at a time. Grow our businesses as we grow. Each time you get to a landing, look back at how far you’ve come, what you have achieved, and then look forward to the next staircase. This way you are always in energetic alignment with what you are creating and achieving and you both grow together. If you do this for long enough the universe will see you are dedicated and momentum will kick in and you’ll start to move faster up the staircase. (I’m still waiting for this momentum – LOL, due to marketing issues above). |
Have you developed any particular habits/strategies that facilitate getting things done in your business? |
Not really – I’ve always been efficient and organised, so am able to just get shit done. Having said that, this time I am working much more in an energetic fashion and only working when things feel right and are flowing. I’ve released myself from the pressure of time and having to have it all now and I’m learning to trust that everything happens in the right space at the right time. | |
Why do you feel women in the 40’s and beyond make fabulous entrepreneurs? |
I think we have more life experience than those in their 20’s and 30’s that we can bring to the table. But I also think those in their 20’s and 30’s probably have less fear than we do, and so could be more gung-ho and successful.
I don’t think age is the biggest factor that makes a fabulous entrepreneur. I think it’s a mindset and dedication that does. |
What would you say to other women who are standing on the edge of their own Next Chapter, not sure if they can take the leap? |
My advice is that you don’t always have to take the “big leap”. Each time I’ve done that the money pressures have been too hard and it energetically detracts from what you are trying to achieve.
I’d say, rather than leap, walk into the water slowly. If you are working in a job, start your business after hours and on weekends. As it picks up slowly transition your time. Maybe you can work in your job 4 days a week, then 3 days a week. Maybe you can organise a job-share arrangement with someone else in the organisation. There are many solutions that you can come up with that enable you to still earn an income and also start your Next Chapter without the financial pressure. When you do this, you’ll find it will be a lot less stressful and you’ll be able to attract more clients as you’ll be wanting to help them, not wanting them for the money they will be paying you. |
What’s next for you? Share your vision with us! |
Getting over my marketing hurdles, spreading my message far and wide, gaining coaching clients that I work with one-on-one, running group coaching sessions and/or masterminds as well as weekend retreats.
Having my Change Journey characters become as popular in the self-help world as Mr. Men did in the children’s book world. My goal is to raise the level of happiness in the world, one woman at a time.
When I’m facing something new and challenging I… | |
Shit myself, spend time thinking about it and planning, and then I tackle it. | |
I know my greatest strengths are… | |
Organisation, efficiency, getting shit done, having a spiritual outlook on the world | |
The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is… | |
This year it has been “Be your own rescue” | |
Some of my favourite books are… | |
Infinite Possibilities (Mike Dooley), I can see clearly now (Wayne Dyer), The monk who sold his ferrari (Robin Sharma), The Seth Material (Jane Roberts) | |
My favourite podcasts are… | |
I’m not a podcast listener. Too visual and don’t have the attention span for audio unless I’m driving and I don’t do that often | |
My favourite business tool or resource is… | |
My Wix website | |
My favourite quote is… | |
Our words and our actions are merely our thoughts given wings – Mike Dooley | |
Not many people know that I… | |
am a qualified florist |
You can connect with Nikki here.