Justine Whitfield – Supporting growth is a joy and a privilege

Meet Justine Whitfield

I live in Sydney, Australia with my husband and three children. The things that are most important to me right now are striving for a balance between my work and life, self-development, living life with joy, health and wellbeing and empowering others to thrive.

We all have previous chapters in our stories – Tell me about your working life/business experiences before now?

Like many female entrepreneurs, I had a thriving corporate career prior to having children and starting my own business. I worked in the fashion industry for 15 years for a women’s clothing group, working long hours, and immersing myself in everything from manufacturing through to seeing the garments on the shop floor.

6 months into my second pregnancy I knew that I couldn’t keep the pace up without sacrificing the health and wellbeing of myself and my family. My second pregnancy really took a toll on me and I sought the help of a Reflexologist to help me induce my labour.

In the newborn haze I knew that I couldn’t go back to the fashion industry lifestyle – crazy hours! I felt drawn to the benefits of Reflexology having experienced them firsthand, so I decided to study Reflexology and my interest in ‘alternative’ therapies has expanded from there.

Please provide a snapshot of your business

I help my clients find clarity when they are lost in the world and can’t move forward. I bring my range of skills, knowledge, and experience to each client’s individual needs so that they can heal and find inner happiness.

I primarily I do this through a range of modalities including o this through intuitive, integrative Reflexology, energy healing, coaching, essences, mindfulness, Kinesiology, and Serenity Healing.

As physical problems are a manifestation of mind and spiritual issues, we often do a combination of different solutions based on their presenting symptoms as well as what I intuitively feel that they need in that moment.

Assuming you are now in “Your Next Chapter”, what led you here? Tell me about your purpose, your why, the difference you want to make, who you are called to serve?

My desire to empower and support people in a meaningful way led me to start my own business, as well as the desire to have more time to be present for my children.

We are all on a continuous journey of self-discovery and growth and being a part of someone else’s journey is a joy and a privilege.

I find people who are looking for support through difficult times are drawn to me. This is where I find joy is helping them find their purpose, joy, and abundance in life.

They are often disconnected, have cut off their inner voice which in turn stops your soul connection. My clients are ready to walk away from the stress and the drama and tune into their own health and wellbeing.

What did you find most challenging about getting started/moving in a new direction?

For me, the transition into my own business was easy, as I knew I was where I was meant to be.

My biggest challenge when taking on more modalities and especially the energy healing was the fear of being judged – as a little crazy or ‘woo-woo’. I live in a conservative area, so the thought of my children’s friends and their parents looking at me funny in the school playground was a little intimidating.

What have you found most fulfilling?

Without a doubt, it’s watching the transformation of my clients as they find joy and discover the essence of who they truly are. It’s like watching a butterfly emerge from a cocoon to realise that they are no longer who they were, but ready to be who they are now.

Have you experienced self-doubt? What causes it to flare and how do you work through it when it hits?

I think everyone experiences self-doubt at some point in their journey! For me, it manifests in my inner mean girl questioning my gifts – whether I’m intuitive and have these healing gifts.

Like any self-sabotaging beliefs, first, acknowledge its existence, then using one of my many tools such as journaling and meditation to work through the barrier.

How do you feel you have grown since you started?

I am far more confident and assured in my approach with my clients. I feel far more connected to them and present. I used to overthink things and try and pre-guess what was going to happen in the session.

As a result, I have more trust in myself and my work.

From a business perspective, I’ve stepped into owning my role as entrepreneur. I’m more present on social media, feeling more confident telling the world who I am. I’ve developed programs and have done the work on myself to allow the opportunity for further growth.

What has been most effective for you when it comes to sharing your message and attracting clients?

Speaking from the heart. When you do this, then everything else follows. Whether it’s on stage, in front of an audience or through my social media being myself and sharing genuine stories always helps me to connect with the right people at the right time.

Have you developed any particular habits/strategies that facilitate getting things done in your business?

Most definitely. I’m a big believer in Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning. By implementing his philosophy of waking earlier to practice self-improvement techniques (such as affirmations, visualisations, exercise, journaling, or reading, you set yourself up for a more productive and grateful day full of clarity.

I also make sure that my home is set up for the week over the weekend, so my focus is not shifted to what needs to be done. Decluttering, market visits, meal planning all happens on the weekend so that I have a clear mind for the week ahead.

Why do you feel women in the 40’s and beyond make fabulous entrepreneurs?

Where do I start?! We are far more mature in our knowledge, have experiences and stories that make us wise. We are more likely to make clear decisions as it’s a time when many have been through personal transformation or have become more aligned with their purpose.

What would you say to other women who are standing on the edge of their own Next Chapter, not sure if they can take the leap?

I would encourage them to have the courage to follow their dreams, however . . . make sure that is something that you really want to jump into. Listen to your intuition, find the joy, pause, and reflect. Then jump.

What’s next for you? Share your vision!

My purpose is all about bringing the message of soul connection to as many people as I can. I love to teach and want to design more accessible programs to impact more people on a larger scale.

I’ve also got a book in me, so would love to write that. I’m currently working on a range of my own essences so I’m looking forward to bringing that dream to life very soon.

I’m excited to embark on this next chapter of my journey. Life is always full of surprises but by being open to growth and learning, we can become more aware of all the wonderful opportunities that life presents.


When I’m facing something new and challenging I…
Create a strong foundation to start with - a clear centred mind and body. Exercise is my go-to, I know I nice big walk with the dog or yoga gives me a clear framework to begin with. I then reach for my tools such as essences, meditation, and energy work to allow for inner reflection, clarity, and support.

I know my greatest strengths are…

A deep passion to help others, going the extra mile to find the solution, my Intuition.

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

‘This Too Shall Pass’

One of my favourite books is…

The Secret Language Of Your Body by Inna Segal it is one of my foundational books in my practice. I am constantly referring to it.

My favourite Podcast is…

The Guided Collective by Helen Jacobs.

My favourite business tool or resource is…

Cliniko, my online booking system where I also store all my clients’ information and notes.

My favourite quote is…

‘To be vulnerable – to really put yourself out there, and lean into it – is to live courageously.’ – Brene Brown

Not many people know that I…

My most enjoyable and memorable times in my life was travelling, working and living in the Middle East.


You can connect with Justine here.

Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.

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