Annie Gaudreault – a late blooming visionary aligning with a new purpose

Meet Annie Gaudreault

I am a French Canadian woman that has lived in both the US and English Canada for the past 30 years. I would consider myself a late bloomer as I only discovered my purpose while I was in my 40’s! But it was a real turning point and I am so much happier because of it. Coming from a dysfunctional family with significant mental illnesses, I value health above everything else. Despite the early challenges and the distance, I am very close to my family and am the lucky aunt of many many nieces and nephews. I am also extremely fortunate to have met the love of my life also in my 40’s and enjoy a rich life with friends. I am a nerd about all things health-related, especially when it comes to women and healthy ageing. This is a vocation now!

What business are you currently running?

I launched VEEV Health & Wellness 2 years ago to support the needs of women in mid-life. Both private coaching and group programs are available to women through virtual connections.

While this seems to be a Covid thing, my practice was always virtual, supporting my lifestyle which includes travel etc. It’s been an incredible journey to learn about this type of business, developing a brand new network in a field where I basically knew no one. A fantastic challenge for sure!

Assuming you are now in “Your Next Chapter”, what led you here? Was there an internal discontent or an external issue you felt strongly about that prompted a change in direction?

As I mentioned earlier, I am a late bloomer. I had no idea what my personal values were until my mid-thirties. Slowly I discovered that my previous profession was really not aligned with who I was and what I believed in.

I felt that I was a real sham and as time went by, noticed that those feelings were only getting worse. I remember thinking that with 25 more years of work left in me, that I needed to re-invent myself and find a purpose that was aligned with my beliefs.

What did you find most challenging about getting started/moving in a new direction?

Everything! I had to go back to school to get my nutritionist’s degree, which took me 3 years part-time. Studying biochemistry, physiology, etc was hard on the brain while working full time running my previous company.

Starting a new company from scratch was also a real hit to the ego. I had no reputation as a nutritionist so the uptake was slow – and painful! Financially there was a huge hit as well, even as I maintained a couple of clients from my previous business.

What have you found most fulfilling?

I absolutely love working with my clients. I see them change – literally – in front of my eyes.

I see their lives changing because of the work that we get to do together. It is the most amazing feeling in the world.

Have you experienced self-doubt? What causes it to flare and how do you work through it when it hits?

All the time! The nutrition part of my new life is the easy part. I have tons of self-doubts about my ability to build this business because it is different, having to learn so many new modalities.

Putting myself out there on social media was excruciating at first! I hired a business coach to get the guidance, templates, and fast track my learning.

I also surround myself with other business people who relate to what I am going through and provide incredible ongoing support.

How do you feel you have grown since you started?

Oh my – so much!! I am so much more confident. So much happier. I sleep better!

I also feel proud of what I have accomplished – and I have so much more to go.

Have you developed any particular habits/strategies that facilitate getting things done in your business?

Yes, I have had to clean up my act. I hired a VA who is incredible at putting systems in place. She keeps me accountable.

I also got rid of a lot of distractions to help me focus and be more productive. I have better resources that I used to as well.

Why do you feel women in the 40’s and beyond make fabulous entrepreneurs?

Because we finally know who we are! We come into ourselves, more confident than ever. We release the pressure of “pleasing everyone” to pleasing ourselves.

It is an incredibly liberating time for women at this age. I call mid-life (45 +) the Power Years.

What would you say to other women who are standing on the edge of their own Next Chapter, not sure if they can take the leap?

I’d say surround yourself with women who have done it. Learn from them. Ask them tons of questions and see how they are exactly like you – and that you can do this yourself too.

It is really helpful to have a strong community to be inspired by, and learn from.

What’s next for you? Share your vision with us!

Growing my business with longer programs and finishing my book! The book is a real endurance effort and will be launched mid 2021.

I am very excited by this. I want to share this healthy ageing vision with women everywhere.


When I’m facing a something new and challenging I…

get excited, and then I try to do my homework!

I know my greatest strengths are…

my resilience, my optimism and my discipline.

The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

Just get the job done. Be in the moment and don’t overthink it.

Some of my favourite books are…

Anything about women’s health!

My favourite podcasts are…

Doctor’s Farmacy. School of Greatness. Brené Brown. Michelle Obama. Oprah.

My favourite business tool or resource is…

My business coach – DRIVEN inc., Suzanne Evans.

My favourite quote is…

Progress. Not perfection.

Not many people know that I…

am deep down a very introverted person.


You can connect with Annie here.

Therese Bince

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