Slowly reemerging after long service leave

I think I may be emerging from my chrysalis…just a little.

It’s been 4 months so far since I gifted myself long service leave on May 18 and the space has been exquisite.

Whilst there have been some challenging family issues to deal with, I’ve also had some positive life-changing personal things going on:

? Breast reduction surgery that is seriously fantabulous. My only regret is not having exercised this choice 10 years ago!

? Sessions with a brilliant therapist who has helped me to look back and understand some of the trauma of my past and own my strength and resilience

? A completely unexpected ADHD diagnosis (prompted after my daughter’s assessment – as I read the details I started to recognise myself in ALL the symptoms, which I thought were simply my character quirks!) I’ve been on medication for 3 weeks now and I had literally NO IDEA my brain could be this peaceful!

? A metabolic reboot health journey I’ve begun with my wonderful naturopath, Catherine from iNaturally (who was my client and now I am hers). The First 4 days were pretty hard, detoxing from Olympian levels of my usual diet coke made me exhausted… but I’m feeling pretty great now.

Whilst I’m not yet ready to return fully to the coalface, I can feel my own next chapter emerging from the fog, from the tyranny of busyness.

What’s changing?

Getting stuck in the Comparison Trap and not relying on self-trust has tripped me up in the past. As has the impulsivity that my neurodiversity delivers.

But I have more awareness now, that’s the gift that pushing the pause button has provided.

In my own Next Chapter Cycle of Change, I’ve moved through the Discontent and Desire Stages and am smack in the middle of the Decision Stage. Design and Deliver come next.

I’ve decided that I’ll no longer force myself to work against type. I’m well aware of my most valuable skills and when I blend those with my values and my love of connection and helping women to own their worth and give shape and form to their ideas, it’s easy to see the next steps ahead.

Recalibration, simplification and focused energy are the way forward for me. Backing myself. Ensuring I have the support and inspiration that helps me thrive.

I feel quietly excited. Grounded.

I’ve always said our next chapters are an evolution, not a revolution. I’m continually recognising the absolute truth in that.

How are things going for you? Where are you at in your own journey?

I’d love to know.

Angela Raspass Business Coach & Self Worth Educator

Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.

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