Build your Digital Ecosystem – Episode 83 with Leanne O’Sullivan

Business Visibility series Ep 83 with Leanne O' Sullivan

Leanne O’Sullivan has spent more than 18 years immersed in the online space, firstly as the co-founder of agency Big Blue Digital, then adding her own off-shoot, Summit School with Leanne O.

She has seen the online world change considerably in that time and has developed a streamlined approach to developing a digital ecosystem that helps you to become clear, calm and consistent online, side stepping overwhelm and maximising the outcomes of your investment of time, energy and budget.

Leanne is also a member of my Diamond Mastermind and having seen her “in action” for almost a year, I knew I had to bring her back as a guest in this Business Visibility Podcast Series, as she has such value and expertise to share.

So, if the online world sometimes feels overwhelming, with all of the options you need to consider, if you feel that your voice is lost in the noise and if you’re not sure where to start or to expand your activity, listen in for guidance and clear action steps to take.

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Show Notes

  • There is no “one way” that a digital strategy must be created – it’s a combination of elements and it always begins with defining what your goals are, who your ideal clients are and what resources you have available now to develop and implement
  • Your digital ecosystem combines elements of Web, Social, Content Marketing and Search


  • It’s more than just having a website. There are 4 key points to check:
  1. Do you have email marketing enabled, making it easy and enticing for people to join your database/list?
  2. Is it easy for people to navigate your site on a mobile phone?
  3. Do you have a blog in place where you are sharing your expertise, focused on solving problems?
  4. Do you have landing pages incorporated that are the starting points of developing a relationship with your potential clients?


  • The socialsphere is all about connecting, building community and relationships. You don’t need to get on the bandwagon of the latest social thing – focus on where your clients are first and foremost, even if it not your first choice, personally.
  • Consider using a scheduling tool such as Smarter Queue or Recur Post to share your own content, thoughts and ideas as well as interesting content you have found elsewhere and then use your active time to connect and engage with other people – comment on their posts, get involved!

Content Marketing

  • This is your key fuel to drive success in the online space and we recommend you get structured about your content development. Send a regular email newsletter. Have a plan in place for your blogging – simply start with brainstorming a list of topics that answer key problems your clients face (consider the conversations you’ve had with clients or the questions and posts you see online) and how they relate back to your services and mix things up – consider hosting webinars and providing items for downloading


  • ...about what you actually have time to create. Can you blog once a fortnight or once a month? Send a newsletter every two weeks? What will work with your life? The key is consistency not volume.
  • Embrace automation by creating welcome sequences that people receive when they join your newsletter or opt in for a resource. Let them get to know you and what you stand for and can be of service.
  • Be helpful – surprise and delight. It take a bit of time to set these up so that they go out automatically, but once they’re done, they’re done!


  • Search Engine Optimisation on and off the pages on your website is important – you need to get the basics in place so that Google knows what your site is about. But we focused on the hugely underutilised value of Remarketing, the process of continuing to appear to those people and audiences that have already visited your website. Moving those warm leads into hot prospects.
  • Getting the Facebook pixel embedded on your website is THE place to begin, and there are article links in the Resources section below to guide you.

Do not overwhelm yourself! Simply take the time to consider where you are in your own ecosystem and choose the next step you will take, building and evolving over the next 6-12 months, based on your core goals.

About the speaker

Leanne is the founder and chief Digital Sherpa at Summit School with Leanne O and the co-founder and co-owner of Big Blue Digital, a digital business agency based in regional NSW, servicing clients all over the Australian eastern seaboard.

Big Blue Digital has a team of 15 with staff based in their regional head office, Sydney and Melbourne. They are experts in digital marketing, digital strategy, web development, online advertising and line of business applications. Their business has survived and thrived for 18 years.

She has broad technical and marketing experience in diverse areas including

  • Design, development and project management of website development using SquareSpace, Wordpress, Wix, Adobe Business Catalyst & Kentico
  • Deep email marketing & marketing automation experience and knowledge of MailChimp, ConvertKit, Campaign Monitor, Autopilot and InfusionSoft
  • Social Media Management experience using Hootsuite, Buffer, Sendible, Planoly, Later, SmarterQueue, PromoRepublic and Agorapulse
  • Project management of large scale deployments of Sharepoint, Microsoft CRM & Accelo across multiple locations to over 200+ staff
  • Design brief and specifications. Working with business owners to understand their operations so that I could scope and manage the development of unique business applications designed to suit their needs
  • Planning and implementing digital marketing plans for small business clients with particular focus on integrated Social Media marketing, Facebook & Instagram advertising,
  • Content creation and planning as well as Google Adword Campaigns and the all important measurement of results.

Training plan development and delivery for both small and large organisations in how to use their online tools better & smarter.

She has worked with many industries over the last 18 years of all sizes, in all sectors with people of all ages and abilities.

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