Business Planning for 2020 – Ep 105 with Angela Raspass

Ep 105 Business Planning for 2020

Each year I host “Review and Renew”, an online event all about looking back at the year that was, evaluating your tangible and emotional achievements and then getting clear and planning for the year. It’s a fabulous experience that provides you with confidence and clarity no matter what stage of business you are at.

It’s coming up again next week and I’d want to make sure you have your invitation to join us! You can register at to join me for the live training and discussion calls, the thought-provoking workbooks and the Q&A’s and prompts in the Next Chapter Facebook Community.

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Show Notes

  • I'm a big believer in double planning - I really recommend that you take some time this side of Christmas to have a look back through your year and evaluate your results and then put some thought into what you want to create. Then put that aside, give yourself some breathing space and then come back for a review in early to mid-January. You’ll likely be surprised by the changes you then feel you want to make. Single session planning doesn’t allow this essential breathing space
  • Please realise that when you review your year, the probability is that it will not look like you intended it to look at the beginning of the year. And that’s both ok and totally normal!
  • I like to think of planning as providing light parameters, guidance for the year. Combine these intentions with wearing “glass blinkers” – these mean you’re focused, but you're also open to other possibilities. If you keep your vision front of mind and yet hold expectations of how you will get there lightly, you’ll have the expansive thinking that allows you to discern the differences between distractions and opportunities
  • Consider your energy levels this year. How have they been? Is burnout lingering around the edges? Do you need to make changes in the way you work? Do you need to soften your goals? Do you need to get a little bit more realistic? There is a natural ebb and flow in our businesses - we can have a really hectic month or quarter, and then we need to breathe and have a more receptive, less hustle period as well. Do you allow this for yourself?
  • We begin with reviewing your year, looking at the tangible and emotional achievements that you've had. What went well financially, and what lit you up emotionally? We need that combination in our businesses. How did you feel about delivering each service and product? Wildly enthused or somewhat like warm?
  • We then move to looking at your Revenue “Pie”. Ask yourself, what financial contribution did each product and service make to your overall revenue? What changes need to be considered as a result?
  • This leads to checking your “Success Gaps”. If a service line is not delivering as you anticipated, there may be a break in the chain at several points and it’s important to address the correct one. Is it a visibility issue? A marketing issue? Copy? Pricing? Is it that you need to work on your own confidence in sales conversations? Don’t throw out a product or service that you love and you can see a need for without understanding if it has been given every opportunity to succeed first.
  • Your Offer Staircase is next – this is your product suite, the group of services and products and experiences and events that you offer to the market. As the staircase analogy suggests, people are moving up with you over time. They may begin with consuming some of your free items, or your low investment experiences as they get to know you and find resonance between their needs and your style. Over time they move into higher levels of intimacy and commitment with you because what we're looking for is really to build long term relationships with clients, rather than have short term transactions with customers.
  • Once these reflective foundations have been checked we begin to move forward, and look at your communication plan. This is all about visibility, and the reassurance that it is not your job to Convince and Convert people, but it is your job to be visible, so that you can communicate and contribute to your most aligned clients. It’s really important not to spread yourself too thin, rather you choose what I call your Marketing Megaphone and your Marketing Support Acts. Choose strategies and platforms that not only meet your clients where they are, but also allow you to play to your strengths, doing what you enjoy. You’re far more likely to market consistently in that case!
  • The final stage in Review and Renew is the development of your Business Landscape and Snapshot. This is where you put collate the key ideas covering what you want to bring into the world in 2020. This is then developed into your Business Snapshot, a succinct one-page plan that lays out the implementation of your plan across the year.

I encourage you to invest your time and energy in this process, and to make the most of the opportunity to ask questions and consider new ideas and approaches – I’ll be in the Facebook Community every day ready to help!

And if the 9.30am AEDT does not work for your time zone, I encourage you to register anyway, as the recordings will be made available to you and when you tag me in the group with your questions, although I may be asleep at the time, I promise to reply when I wake up!

I look forward to helping you Review 2019 and Renew your vision, ideas and energy for 2020!

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