Is your “not good enough” belief hurting you?

I had an enlightening session with my Mindset Coach this morning. I was bemoaning the fact that there seem to be so many layers to the belief “I’m not good enough” – that no matter how many I peel back and work through, more seem to appear.

And she said, “Why are you trying to get rid of the belief?”.

“Oh d’oh,” I thought (rather disrespectful of me) and then said, “of COURSE I want to get rid of it, it weighs me down and holds me back”.

“Ah grasshopper,” she said (ok, she didn’t actually say that, but it felt like it!) “Do not fight the belief – it is automatic and deeply fear rooted in your psyche, as it is for most of us……. and in some areas of your life it is true, and that’s ok.

(Example – I will never be able to juggle – I can’t, and will never be good enough for the Circus life, but that’s ok, it’s not on my wish list).

“Instead, make peace with it, balance it, look for evidence instead where you are indeed good enough in the areas that count. And accept that your awareness of a void can act as inspiration for change”.


Because it will not go away anyway.


Because if you don’t it will monopolise your thoughts and feelings, sidetrack you, obsess you….. and that depletes your oxygen and energy.


Because in acceptance, resistance falls away and the fear reduces from bogeyman size to “just part and parcel of life” size.

So, I’m accepting it. And the feeling of relief is already tangible.

As another wise person once said, “when I stopped fighting the problem, the problem went away”.

Lean into this perspective, this new thought. Try it on for size.

Change your thinking…. change your life.

Angela Raspass Business Coach & Self Worth Educator

Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.