Is a Business Mastermind right for you?

The business world is an exciting place to be in our Next Chapters. Low barriers to entry, the opportunity to do work in the world that is emotionally and financially fulfilling, access to the power of the Internet to connect you with potential clients all over the world, the ability to be flexible and work out your own schedules just for starters.

We’re pioneers – our Mothers were not likely to have been contemplating starting or expanding their own businesses in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, but we are.

In fact, the number of female owner-managers in Australia has increased by 7.6% over the last decade – it’s now at 504,838 (Source: Smart Company).

You’re in very good company.

Or perhaps you’re not?

If you’re like many female business owners, you’re likely to often be working alone. Even if you lead a team of staff, you’re are still essentially alone when it comes to making decisions about the direction of your business and its day-to-day operations.

That can be challenging.

It’s not unusual for you to find it easy to help others, to pass an impartial and encouraging eye over another person’s business, to spot opportunities and solve problems. But it’s seldom quite so easy to self-diagnose yourself! As a colleague of mine has said “It’s hard to read the label when you’re inside the jar”

A Business Mastermind provides you with a team of support

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

Napoleon Hill said, “No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and expand.” He explained that a Mastermind is when two or more people come together in a spirit of harmony they will create a third, greater mind – the Mastermind, which will allow new ideas to flow to them.

I agree wholeheartedly with these philosophies and this is why Business Masterminds are at the heart of my own business, both as a participant and as a facilitator.

A Business Mastermind Group offers you a unique combination of brainstorming, mentoring, training, peer accountability and support in a small group setting and is designed to help you refine your business and personal skills and reach your goals.

Your Mastermind colleagues are catalysts for the growth of you and your business playing both devil’s advocates and supportive cheerleaders. We collectively help you with idea generation and wise decision-making, keep you buoyant when you’re facing challenges and celebrate noisily when you reach your goals!

Your group requires your commitment and confidentiality, an open-hearted willingness to both give and receive advice and ideas, to share connections resources and support each other with honesty, respect, and compassion.

What are the main benefits of joining a Business Mastermind?

There are a great many benefits involved in being a part of a Mastermind that differ from the benefits of one to one business coaching.

  • You’ll expand your knowledge and skills

    Each Mastermind is carefully curated for diversity and that means each member has unique experience, skills, wisdom, and connections to share. The deeply immersive and generous atmosphere of the group means you cannot help but develop new skills as a result.

  • You’ll stay focused and clear and held accountable for accomplishing your stated goals.

    The myriad of competing priorities and demands on your time and energy are very real challenges. It’s easy to make a commitment to yourself to take specific actions, but then to become side-tracked by “bright shiny options”. When you’re in a Business Mastermind, accountability is built into the structure, and your mastermind group will keep you seeing the big picture, reminding you of why you are in business, what you’re committed to and the overarching purpose that underpins your tasks. They’ll help keep you inspired, focused and clear, anchored to your vision.

  • You’ll extend your personal and Professional Network

    Your Mastermind colleagues very quickly become business allies and friends, an instant expansion to your Network at a deep level. The level of trust and connection you build has a synergistic effect as it usually taps into the networks of the group as well. Strategic alliances, recommendations, cross-promotions and more have their roots in your Mastermind.

    Jo Hanlon - Business Mastermind “My Mastermind group is a long-lasting intense interaction where we can bring our whole-selves, happy/sad, good/bad, success and challenges, that is, we can show up warts and all and feel supported not judged. I didn’t anticipate the generosity of care from all the members – I have real support, interest and care, knowledge and understanding of my issues and the quality of input from each person without pressure or expectation is great.
    Jo Hanlon, Founder, Mind Your P’s


  • You’ll receive valuable input on how to solve challenging business issues.

    Each member of the group has a “Hot Seat” – time that is dedicated to you and a specific challenge you’re wrestling with – branding, sales, marketing, mindset, there is a huge variety of challenges, as you know! Feedback, experience, and insights are then shared by each member of the group – you have access to a brain’s trust you could never connect to on your own.

  • You’ll have access to ample resources:

    Mastermind groups that are thoughtfully curated will have a diverse range of participants, with everyone in the group having different skill sets and generously making their experiences, tools, processes, and resources available to one another.

  • You’ll experience the joy of reciprocity

    Masterminds are all about giving as much as receiving and helping fellow members solve problems, capitalise on opportunities, grow in confidence and achieve goals is one of the most satisfying aspects of working together in a team. You also provide others with the same opportunity!

Is a Mastermind for you? – Ask yourself these questions

So those are many of the core benefits of participating in a Mastermind Group, but how do you find a good group for you? Here are some questions to ask your potential Mastermind Facilitator:

  • What’s your background/experience as a business owner and a Mastermind Facilitator?
  • How do you form groups – what’s the criteria by which members are selected and placed together?
  • What is the size of the group?
  • What’s the connection period/length of the Mastermind and why?
  • How often does the group meet?
  • What’s the format and structure of the meetings?
  • Are there in-person get-togethers?
  • How does the group stay in contact between meetings?
  • Is there any training or resources made available to the group members?
  • Is personal mentoring available for group members?
  • What information and content from the group meetings are made available?
  • Am I able to speak with current or past members about their experience?
  • Ultimately, what will I experience and receive from being a member of this Mastermind?

You should also ask yourself:

  • What do I feel I will be able to achieve by being a part of a Mastermind that I cannot achieve by myself?
  • What will I be able to contribute to the group?
  • Am I comfortable in an environment where I give as well as receive?

I firmly believe small group Masterminds comprised of focused, generous, committed and smart businesswomen intent on making a positive contribution to the world with their unique experience, strengths and skills are one of the very best ways to grow you and your business.

Melissa Healy - Business Mastermind“My Mastermind collaborators have helped me to drill down much deeper to identify what the real issues and causes are … which then helps work out what to do about it. I have improved clarity and therefore, increasing self-confidence.

And business-wise – I’ve had my sanity restored through having a sounding board to work out “Am I imagining things? What is reasonable/not reasonable?” I’ve developed different and better ways of approaching things, how to prioritise, listen better, think more broadly, deeply and creatively and how to communicate better”.

Melissa Healy, Director, DFK Everalls

Next Chapter Business Masterminds are strong and creative.

I bring together women from a wide range of service-based industries, locations, and experience in small and intimate groups where diverse and synergistic thinking provides a consistently powerful boost for you and your business.

We dig deep into your business and help you prioritise and focus with umbrella goals, cascade plans and core strategies to implement. Having the brainpower and support of a small group of smart women absolutely committed to you and your business success is a powerful experience.

You’ll accomplish much more, with more ease, with your support team beside you than you ever would on your own.

You can join a Mastermind now

If you’re tired of working alone, if you’re a little over online courses or large group programs and events where you’re not personally seen, heard and supported, then a Next Chapter Business Mastermind could be the best next move for you.

Let’s have a wholehearted conversation and dig down into your vision and goals for the new year – you can contact me to explore if a Next Chapter Mastermind is a good fit for you or email me directly on clarity (AT)

I’d love to be on your support team.







Business Recalibration Guide for businesswomen

Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.

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