Feedback - what it's like to work together

MRG 2015

Melody R. Green

Soul Coach | Energy Healer

Some of the highlights for me have been:

  • The question about what have we overcome. This was so helpful in terms of clarifying what I help people with.
  • I loved your 3 step approach to offers. As I have 3 separate sectors to my business I have been having trouble getting enough clarity for myself never mind my clients and this exercise definitely helped!
  • Suggesting that we be allowed to choose how and where we do our marketing – Hallelujah! I’ve been struggling trying to be in everything and simply hating the whole marketing thing as a result. I feel so much lighter now I’ve been given permission to choose. I was coming close to this but was concerned I was choosing the wrong ones. Thanks for freeing my from the Marketing Mavens!