Feedback - what it's like to work together

amanda lecaude

Amanda Lecaude


The session we had together was so worthwhile where we discussed that I was working for myself and as a result of not having accountability I usually just focused on the here and now, not on the bigger picture and future for my business. It was great that my business was growing but not with any sense of urgency or true direction. We also discussed financial freedom being important and something I needed to focus more with it being one of my goals.

Right after our initial chat, I knew that I had to work with Angela! I’ll be honest I did initially stress at the outlay in cost for this work – I wasn’t sure I could afford it with just a small business income. But I did know that to grow you need to invest and I am so glad that I made the decision and took that jump.

We started with a Strategic Planning day and I knew I was on the right journey from that moment on. I can now confidently say that I have successfully moved into my Next Chapter without a doubt! Angela has been a core part of my journey, helping me to find and own my niche as a Professional Organiser n the student organising space where I love what I do by teaching students about time management and organisation. With Angela’s marketing support, guidance and encouragement, I have already secured workshops with 12 schools and am building a strong reputation in my market.

I really enjoy our regular sessions and feel we achieve so much in a short space of time. Angela challenges me whilst keeping me focused on taking the next steps. She believes in me and allows me to believe in myself. Thank you for being you and part of my team in supporting my successful journey, I’m so excited about what the future holds as my business continues to grow!