The benefits of cascade planning for your business

It’s time for you to replace overwhelm with clarity by recognising one of the biggest mistakes business owners make that causes both overwhelm and lack of results and the best way to avoid it.

You can diagnose yourself to see if this malady affects you – Do you have a To-Do list as long as your arm that seems to have a life of its own? Are you a constant idea generator? (popcorn brain is what I call it!)

If you answered yes to both of those you are so likely to get stuck in tactics all the time and that sees you feeling really busy but not necessarily chipping away at the most important tasks that will grow your business and your impact.

There is a remedy for – you just need a good dose of the Cascade Effect!

Step One: Reconnect to your Vision, the big picture for your business.

This acts as your Lighthouse, and it guides all of your decisions – you can ask yourself, does this take me closer to or further away from my vision?

Step Two: Set smart and heart goals that underpin your vision

Goals that are measurable and time-sensitive, but that also honour how you want to feel in your business.

Step Three: Develop the core strategies that will help you to achieve these objectives

A strategy is an umbrella concept – the larger picture of how your objective will be achieved


Step Four: Implement your tactics

Now it’s time for Tactics! These are the specific actions you will take on a day to day, week to week basis that underpin your strategies.

So today I encourage you to take a look at your plan for the week with fresh eyes – are you using the cascade effect?

Here’s an example for you

Vision: “To connect with and serve the health and nutrition needs of new mothers in Sydney.

Objective: To attract 50 mothers into my Take Care of You program

Strategy: To create a social media plan to connect with Mums

Tactic: To post updates on my PB page 5 times a week.

And there you have it, the Cascade Effect in action!

What changes will you make in your business planning and marketing? This is a simple overview of some of the skills I teach in my business alignment self-study program – you can read more about it here.

Angela Raspass Business Coach & Self Worth Educator


Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.