Breaking the isolation barrier for business owners

Many of us are back at our desks after a break where we spent a lot of time around other people, and now… well, there’s a lot of alone time again.

I’ve been noticing a growing realisation amongst businesswomen that this isolation has some significant drawbacks.

Problem #1: Limited perspectives

It’s hard to spark innovation in your business, and to see things differently when you primarily work alone. We humans need external stimuli to get our ideas flowing. And even if you do lead a team, you might still lack a sounding board and crave conversations with others on your wavelength, who can relate to what you face as a business owner.

This year you might consider:

  • Joining a professional or industry association: They’re often a treasure trove for fresh ideas and diverse viewpoints that help broaden your perspective.
  • Collaborating on a project: Look for opportunities where you can collaborate with peers. The synergy can provide new insights and ideas, sparking innovation and opportunities that are unlikely to arrive when you’re working alone.

Problem #2 Missed connection opportunities

Building a business isn’t just about what you know, it is still also about who you know, and expanding your network with new connections can open doors that you didn’t know existed.

So, this year think about:

  • Committing to networking both on and offline: Even though I am a huge fan of in-person connecting, some of my most treasured friends and colleagues have come from conversations sparked on a social platform, nurtured via instant messaging, and anchored in a ZOOM room.

Problem #3 The impact on our mental well-being

Self-doubt thrives in isolation and we can too easily get stuck in a Comparison Trap, and develop a serious case of Imposter Syndrome, which leads to second-guessing ourselves, stuck in our comfort zone, frustrated and resentful at our state of perpetual potential.

Keep yourself healthy and happy this year by:

  • Creating a well-being commitment: Begin each week by choosing 2-3 people you’ll reach out to. Start with a text. Perhaps suggest a chat or a walk. Maybe even organise a lunch. Work out what lifts your spirits and do more of that. We’re designed to connect.

If 2024 is to be the year when you’re going to unlock momentum and impact I encourage you to invest a chunk of time, energy, and attention in actively cultivating camaraderie and connection.

It is just one piece of the growth puzzle, but it’s a vital one.

What actions will you take as antidotes to the side effects of isolation?


Business Growth Breakthrough

Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.

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