How to stop a self-doubt spiral before it kills your momentum
When self-doubt spirals, it doesn’t whisper – it drags you under One night last week, my brain was hell-bent on convincing me that everything…
Read MoreThe bridge to real trust in business isn’t what you think.
Every business owner needs to SHU! I went to the dentist this week. And no, I was not relaxed about it at all 😱…
Read MoreNavigating business with a sparky brain: How I stopped fighting my ADHD and started thriving
Navigating business with a Sparky Brain Did someone steal the map? That’s how I felt for years. I was brimming with ideas, fuelled by…
Read MorePopcorn Brain & Self-Leadership: The Cure for Idea Overload
Idea overload can be exhausting Does your brain feel like a popcorn machine some days? One idea pops, then another, and before you know…
Read MoreWicked – Through an ADHD Lens
Things look different when you have ADHD I’ve read the book. I’ve listened to the audiobook. I’ve been to the musical (twice), which included…
Read MoreConquering imposter syndrome: how to lead yourself on the growth edge
Conquering imposter syndrome: how to lead yourself on the growth edge If you’re questioning whether you belong at the helm of your business, feeling…
Read MoreRecalibrating your business: Creating Your Next Chapter
I’ve been helping people, usually women, to recalibrate their businesses for over 20 years now. They most often get in touch because they’ve been…
Read MoreWhat’s your thinking style as an entrepreneur?
I was working with a client yesterday when a lightbulb moment hit. We were developing her marketing mosaic, looking to pin down that intersecting…
Read MoreBreaking the isolation barrier for business owners
Many of us are back at our desks after a break where we spent a lot of time around other people, and now… well,…
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