A while ago I recognised something about myself. Although I’m a person who can often make a decision, focus and gets things done, I’m also a person who is prone to falling into the Comparison Trap.
Left on my own on this entrepreneurial journey for too long, I’m in danger of drowning in a sea of ideas, second-guessing myself as self-doubt steps in and begins to nibble away at the corners of my vision.
And when I realised that, I realised that this would hurt me, my business and the women I know I am here to help.
That’s why I made the decision to stop walking this path alone.
That’s why I developed a fantastic Support Community with Belief Buddies, Way Showers, Messengers and Mentors – the groups of support I wholeheartedly believe you need to have in your corner. Are there any gaps in your own Circle of Support you need to close?
Belief Buddies
- Belief Buddies are your greatest fans
- They recognise your potential, offer encouragement and celebrate even your tiniest successes
- Your closest friends should all fit into this category, plus anyone that’s out there cheering for you.
- They’re the ones who say “go for it!”
Way Showers
- Way Showers are role models. They serve as proof that success is possible and open doors for you to walk through
- They could be current acquaintances, people you’ve read about or someone you’ve admired from afar.
- They’re the ones who say or imply “You can do it, I’ve shown you what’s possible”
- Messengers deliver valuable information.
- They may have a referral, an idea, a business lead or some communication that provides forward momentum
- You may already know them, but mostly you’ll meet them through networking, reaching out and happenstance
- They’re the ones who say ‘I can help or I have an idea”.
- Have specific and proven strategic approaches and results
- Have achieved what you want in areas of business and life
- Inspire you
- Are trustworthy
- Are hands on and active, continuing their own development
- They’re the ones who say “let me teach and guide you”
My Circle of Support also includes both informal, unpaid Masterminds and two formal Masterminds that I have invested significantly in. They have been game changers for me.
What is a Mastermind?
Essentially it’s a group of like-minded people who share a similar vision (in my case, creating a growing a wholehearted business that makes a difference and a profit) who gather together on a regular basis to support each other and to tap into each others expertise. Everyone contributes and everyone benefits.
It’s a powerfully expansive experience. You’re seen, heard, guided, stretched, held accountable and very, very supported.
In essence, a Mastermind brings out the very best in you, consistently.
And it guarantees that even if you do fall prey to the Comparison Trap, you will not spend much time in that dangerous quagmire. We’ll see your hand up almost before you do and we’ll pull you out, quickly and with love, and then help you see what led you to the edge in the first place, thus reducing the likelihood of you falling in in quite the same way again.
Your fellow Masterminders care about you and your business almost as much as their own. They can shine a light on things that you just cannot or simply do not see yourself because you are so close to it. And that is a priceless experience.
What happens in a Mastermind Meeting?
I recently spent 3 months in a unique Mastermind facilitated by the insightfully delightful Liz Scully. It was all about the Art of Mastering Masterminds – how to develop and host a Mastermind experience that will serve and support people at the highest level. I have learned so much, Liz really is in her genius zone training us on this topic, and I’m feeling so excited about the enhanced positive impact I can now have with my own clients.
I also made the decision to further invest in myself and am continuing to work with Liz through the entire year. I’ve joined her “Success Mastermind” experience to ensure I stay focused and in flow towards my own Vision of being a Lighthouse of inspiration and support for women in their 40’s and beyond building Next Chapter Businesses.
This is my approach:
- The Mastermind Leader shares their own current experiences in their own business to provide insights for the group
- Each person then:
- Shares where they are at right now, starting with what successes they can celebrate since our last meeting to set the energetic tone
- Reports back on how they tracked against their previous action goals
- Shares something specific that they are struggling with or needs quick input on
- Commits to their new action goals for the next time period (typically 2-4 weeks)
- One or more members people are given the Hotseat for a closer look at an aspect of their business that they need the synergy of the “Master Mind” to focus on
It’s a structured, highly supportive and hugely valuable regular session with like-minded people who are all laser focused on each others development and success.
I believe everyone benefits from Connection and support
If you are like me, a solo entrepreneur working from home, there is a good chance that you spend the great majority of your time working alone too. If you seldom ask for help, often try to sort everything out by yourself, listen a little too often to that voice of your inner critic who wants to convince you of how hard it is and how you’ll ever really “make it”, then being a part of a community, a Mastermind can make a huge, positive difference to you.
We all need a tribe.
A tribe of most aligned clients who you are here to serve with your unique gifts and experiences.
And a tribe of Most Aligned Supporters and Kindred Spirits who are walking this journey into a Next Chapter Business Vision right alongside you. A group of people who you can really talk over this stuff with, these challenges, achievements, hopes and fears.
A group of people who will keep you moving forward, sometimes quickly, sometimes more slowly. But always forward, closer to your goals, your heart and smart goals.
This fact was never more obvious than at my annual event, Your Next Chapter Live, that I hosted in Sydney in March.
The camaraderie in the room, the open hearted relationships flourishing between the women, the feedback that flowed all had at its core, such appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity to connect. I simply asked, “what was one of the biggest benefits about spending time at this event?” and here were just some of the answers….
- “Meeting other women on the same journey and receiving encouragement and confidence from interacting with them”.
- “Networking with like minded souls”.
- “Meeting the other women, knowing this journey is shared with people like me”.
- “My intention was to be open and honest , even thought it is something that I am too scared to do, but the love and support in that room, made it easy to do. I didn’t feel like that there was judgment from anyone and that was an amazing feeling”.
- “I loved the exchange of ideas between like-minded women – we felt welcome, supported, encouraged and nurtured”.
- “The connections with other next chapter women!”
- “Being able to learn, be inspired, connect with likeminded souls AND take action”.
- “I was understood and not alone in the kind of prison I had incarcerated myself into. There were other women in a similar situation as mine (identical misbeliefs!) I felt so connected and inspired”.
There is no denying the power of connection! Once you are feeling connected, a part of, enough, you can literally do anything….And that’s where an ongoing mastermind experience can be so powerful.
So how can you get started?
You can start your own Mastermind, just look for a group of people who are at a similar or slightly more advanced stage of business development than you, who have a diverse range of experiences more and who commit to being wholeheartedly honest and open both with you and with themselves.
You may already have some people in mind and you can ask them if they are interested. You can follow the format I’ve outlined above to create and curate a wonderful atmosphere of support and growth.
Or, you can join me
Each year I facilitate Business Masterminds.
At the heart of each mastermind is the classic, incredibly supportive and dynamic core.
But there are many more layers too, layers that I have carefully considered, crafted and combined to create an experience that will be of the very highest service to you and the development of your business.
It’s a full-bodied blend of mentoring, masterminding and a connected community to support, inspire, teach and challenge you.
It’s all about defining your version of business success and then creating that vision by setting clear goals and accessing the guidance and developing the skills to achieve them with wholehearted support and accountability.
Your fellow members and I will help you create the framework, courage and commitment to build that business that’s inside of you.
You can read more about the Business Masterminds I facilitate here – we can connect and chat about your goals how a mastermind can help both you and your business grow.
I’d love to welcome you into my, and our, care.