Value your impact

Do you ever wonder, as you work away each and every day, what impact you might be having? What difference you may be making?

I mean, sometimes it’s obvious.

You solve a problem, Your complete a project. You deliver a specific outcome.

It’s tangible. It’s visible.

But not always. How often have you sent a newsletter, written a blog post, given a talk, had a conversation that simply seemed to just happen…. and then fade away, without a trace.

You just might be surprised.

You just might be surprised to know that right now, out of your range of hearing, seeing or knowing, someone, somewhere needed your message exactly as you delivered it, exactly when you did.

Right now, you may be a catalyst in someone’s life.

A few years ago I gave a speech to a hall of women at a school in Sydney. It was just a little speech in the scheme of things. Not a Ted Talk. No going viral on YouTube. I talked about the challenges in my own life and business and asking for the help I needed and then developing the courage to make significant changes to go in a new direction. I gave this speech with my whole heart. And I brought it to a close, encouraging the women in the audience to listen to their own hearts and to step forward and create what was calling them.

And then I got in my car and drove away, feeling content, full and happy.

A few months later I received a most beautiful gift in the mail. A gorgeous essential oil mist – “Highest Potential”. A divine scent and divine packaging. Such an unexpected treat. The creator and I connected when I thanked her very much.

She came then along to a MeetUp that I was hosting here in Sydney each month for women creating and growing their Next Chapter Businesses. And that was when I heard about the link I played in her chain. She had been in that audience at that talk I gave. And she shared how she left that day with a seed planted in her heart after what I had said. And that seed of an idea was nourished and energised with action. And thus, her beautiful business was born.

I have to tell you, my heart almost burst out of my chest when I heard this! I know I will always carry that moment with me.

You just never know the impact, the ripple effect you are having on the world with your big heart from your little office.

Somewhere, right now, a moment just like that is weaving its way towards you.

Because you have the power to change lives.

You have the power to change the lives of people who then, in turn, go on and change the lives of other people.

You are a connecting thread, a link in a chain that could not exist without the part you play.

Such value and potential you hold in your hands, your head, your heart.

So don’t keep it inside. Allow it to unfurl. Nurture it. Nourish it. Share it. Have a quiet faith, a certainty, a trust, in the role you are here to fulfil.

Even on the days when you feel you are not making waves…

“It’s not the feedback that legitimises the value of your contribution. It’s the act of contributing”.

Angela Raspass Business Coach & Self Worth Educator

Angela Raspass

Empowering sparky-brained business owners and leaders with strategy and self-leadership to replace perpetual potential with sustainable success, elevated impact, and aligned momentum in work and life.